Smokers Need Screening

Are You a Smoker? You Deserve Proper Medical Care.
It’s a fact. Screening for Lung Cancer Saves Lives.

Lung Cancer Screening

  • If you are over 50 years of age and have a 20 pack-year history of smoking, and
  • If you currently smoke or smoked within the last 15 years,
  • Then it is recommended that you get annual lung cancer screening with low dose CT.

If you think you are eligible for lung cancer screening, talk to your physician today. You will remain at risk for lung cancer for up to 15 years after your last cigarette. Screening with low dose CT is the only way to reliably detect lung cancer when it is curable.

Smokers With Lung Cancer

Important Information for Lung Cancer Patients:

  • Are or were you a long-term smoker?
  • Are you over 50 years of age?
  • Have you smoked within the last 15 years?
  • Have you been diagnosed with advanced lung cancer?*
  • Did you tell your doctor that you smoked cigarettes?

If you answered “yes” to all of the above, you may not have received the recommended screening that could have diagnosed your lung cancer early. If you weren’t screened, we can help.

*If you were diagnosed prior to March 2021, when screening guidelines were amended, then smokers 55 and older who meet the above criteria and have been diagnosed with advanced lung cancer may want to consult an attorney.

Smokers Need Screening And Proper Medical Care