Lung cancer screening with low-dose CT scans is so effective in detecting early lung cancers that the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force has updated and expanded its screening recommendation to now include those that meet all of the following criteria: Anyone over 50...
Cancer Screening Down in United States
Cancer screening rates in the United States declined over the last ten years, and the only testing in conformance with Health People 2010 (HP2010) goal of 50% or more was for colorectal . Adherence rates for screenings have generally declined for all other types and...
Prostate Cancer Survival Improved with PSA Testing
Prostate cancer survival for men with metastatic disease significantly improved with routine Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) testing over the last 20 years, despite a current US Preventive Task Force's (USPTA) recommendation against general screening. A study in the...
Daily Aspirin Lowers Cancer Mortality
The Journal of the National Cancer Institute reported that the daily use of aspirin helps prevent death from cancers. Dr. Eric Jacobs did the study to further investigate a report of an estimated 37% reduction in deaths among people using aspirin for 5 years of...