We Stand Up For Victims Of Nursing Home Negligence And Abuse

Placing a parent, spouse or other loved one in a nursing home is never an easy decision. Ultimately, we take a leap of faith that our loved ones will receive appropriate care.

When a parent, spouse or any other loved one receives substandard care, however, the results can be tragic. Britcher, Leone & Sergio, LLC, stands up for victims of nursing home abuse and neglect throughout New Jersey. Through our efforts, we can see to it that nursing homes are held accountable for their outrageous conduct.

What Constitutes Nursing Home Abuse Or Neglect?

When nursing homes understaff their facilities or provide inadequate training to staff members, neglect or even abuse is the common result. Through our efforts, we can not only help your hurt loved one, but also compel these institutions to take proper measures to prevent future injuries.

We handle a wide range of nursing home negligence lawsuits, including claims involving:

  • Bedsores: Bedsores occur when people with limited mobility are not regularly moved or rotated. The lack of circulation causes the skin and body tissue to deteriorate and die. Severe bedsores can require extensive medical care. Unfortunately, they may lead to serious infection or death.
  • Wandering off: Many nursing home residents suffer from memory loss, confusion or impaired judgment, and they require close supervision. When people with Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia leave a facility, they are at great risk.
  • Sexual abuse: In nursing homes, the perpetrators of sexual abuse are often people within the facility. Abuse can happen when nursing homes fail to take adequate measures to screen and monitor both employees and residents.
  • Dehydration: When residents do not receive proper amounts of water or nutrients over an extended time, their overall health will suffer. In the worst cases, organ failure and wrongful death can result.
  • Falls: Whether due to a disability, functional decline, or increased reliance on others for assistance, nursing home residents may fall, leading to fractures or even greater forms injury.

At Britcher, Leone & Sergio, LLC, we will thoroughly investigate the facts to determine the causes of these injuries. Our lawyers will work with you personally to help your loved one pursue appropriate financial compensation and justice.

Let Us Hold A Nursing Home Accountable

When the people who have given so much to us are forced to live with abuse or neglect, it can be difficult to know where to turn. Hiring a lawyer can be a crucial step in helping your loved one receive the compensation he or she needs. Call 201-444-1644 or email us to consult with our attorneys, who have the medical resources and backgrounds to understand the gravity of your case.