The Government Can Be Liable For Accidents Due To Road Defects In New Jersey

It’s one thing when roadways are defective for unexpected natural causes such as the flooding that occurred in New Jersey in October 2012, due to tropical storm Sandy. It’s another altogether when responsible government entities fail to repair or maintain roadways and in the process, put motorists at risk. Britcher, Leone & Sergio, LLC, represents people injured in bicycle, motorcycle, truck and car accidents caused by road defects in New Jersey such as:

  • Potholes
  • Cracks in pavement
  • Separations between blocks of pavement making up roads
  • Unrepaired, unmarked washed-out sections of pavement
  • Raised manhole covers

If you need a knowledgeable, proven-effective attorney for an accident case involving a dangerous road in New Jersey, we encourage you to contact Britcher, Leone & Sergio, LLC, by phone or email to learn how we can help.

Various Parties Can Be Found At Fault For Defective Roads

After a serious injury involving a defective street or highway, an immediate investigation regarding your motor vehicle accident can be a key to success. Your lawyer should work hard to determine every potentially culpable party. A municipality, county, state or federal transportation agency, or a private contractor may be ultimately responsible when a roadway defect causes a serious injury and accident. A thorough examination of the circumstances and conditions of a truck, motorcycle or car accident can help determine whether a roadway defect was a key factor.

In order to provide you with the best opportunities for receiving a full recovery, your attorney should seek detailed information about the vehicles, the drivers and the roads. Your lawyer should have a good grasp on the nature of your injuries, be prepared to demonstrate the liability and your damages to insurance companies, a judge and a jury, and show exactly how your injuries have changed your life. Your lawyer must be able to develop all of the evidence in order to make a strong claim on your behalf in settlement negotiations or at trial — and, we believe most of all, personally visit the site of your accident.